Beginning of Section Eq
Variable A : SType
Definition. We define eq to be λx y : A∀Q : AAprop, Q x yQ y x of type AAprop.
End of Section Eq
Notation. We use = as an infix operator with priority 502 and no associativity corresponding to applying term eq.
Beginning of Section Ex
Variable A : SType
Definition. We define ex to be λQ : Aprop∀P : prop, (∀x : A, Q xP)P of type (Aprop)prop.
End of Section Ex
Notation. We use x...y [possibly with ascriptions] , B as a binder notation corresponding to a term constructed using ex.
Primitive. The name Eps_i is a term of type (setprop)set.
Primitive. The name Empty is a term of type set.
Primitive. The name ordsucc is a term of type setset.
Notation. Natural numbers 0,1,2,... are notation for the terms formed using Empty as 0 and forming successors with ordsucc.
Primitive. The name nat_p is a term of type setprop.
Primitive. The name add_nat is a term of type setsetset.
Notation. We use + as an infix operator with priority 360 and which associates to the right corresponding to applying term add_nat.
Primitive. The name TwoRamseyProp is a term of type setsetsetprop.
Axiom. (TwoRamseyProp_2) We take the following as an axiom:
∀n, TwoRamseyProp 2 n n
Axiom. (TwoRamseyProp_3_4_9) We take the following as an axiom:
TwoRamseyProp 3 4 9
Axiom. (nat_4) We take the following as an axiom:
nat_p 4
Axiom. (nat_8) We take the following as an axiom:
nat_p 8
Axiom. (add_nat_8_4) We take the following as an axiom:
8 + 4 = 12
Axiom. (TwoRamseyProp_bd) We take the following as an axiom:
∀r s m n, nat_p mnat_p nTwoRamseyProp (ordsucc r) s (ordsucc m)TwoRamseyProp r (ordsucc s) (ordsucc n)TwoRamseyProp (ordsucc r) (ordsucc s) (ordsucc (ordsucc (m + n)))
Theorem. (TwoRamseyProp_3_5_14)
We will prove TwoRamseyProp (ordsucc 2) (ordsucc 4) (ordsucc (ordsucc 12)).
rewrite the current goal using add_nat_8_4 (from right to left).
We will prove TwoRamseyProp (ordsucc 2) (ordsucc 4) (ordsucc (ordsucc (8 + 4))).
Apply TwoRamseyProp_bd 2 4 8 4 nat_8 nat_4 to the current goal.
We will prove TwoRamseyProp (ordsucc 2) 4 (ordsucc 8).
We will prove TwoRamseyProp 3 4 9.
An exact proof term for the current goal is TwoRamseyProp_3_4_9.
We will prove TwoRamseyProp 2 (ordsucc 4) (ordsucc 4).
We will prove TwoRamseyProp 2 5 5.
An exact proof term for the current goal is TwoRamseyProp_2 5.